Cervical Screening
We offer a free cervical screening service (previously known as a smear test) with our Practice Nurses to females aged 25-49 years every three years and every 5 years for 50-65 year olds. The Cervical Screening Programme now uses human papillomavirus (HPV) testing as a new screening test. HPV is a virus that is very common. It can infect the genital areas of both men and women. For women who do not qualify for the free service or who choose to have their cervical screening appointment with one of our Doctor’s, please click on this link to the fees section on the website to see what charges will apply to you.
Please click on the links below for relevant information about the service.
- Invitation for Cervical screening
- Opt out disclaimer
- Cervical screening leaflet
- You tube video about Cervical screening
- Cervical screening – frequently asked questions leaflet
- Cervical screening FAQ (Latvian)
- Cervical screening FAQ (Polish)
- Cervical screening FAQ (Portuguese)
- Cervical screening leaflet (Latvian)
- Cervical screening leaflet (Polish)
- Cervical screening leaflet (Portuguese)
- HPV: the facts – a leaflet from Jo’s cervical cancer trust