Guernsey Surgical

We are excited to announce that in early 2023 we have launched a joint venture with Miss Rebecca Fallaize, a consultant Surgeon on the GMC Specialist Register.

Rebecca is a fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons of England as well as a member of the Association of Coloproctology of Great Britain and Ireland, and the National Pelvic Floor Society.

Although Rebecca lives locally, she continues to work as an NHS consultant, undertaking elective and emergency care including laparoscopic (keyhole) bowel and gallbladder surgery, emergency abdominal surgery, elective and emergency hernia surgery and endoscopy (camera test of the gastrointestinal tract).

In establishing Guernsey Surgical, Rebecca aims to offer high quality, patient centred services to the people of Guernsey. These are achieved without attending the hospital and also avoid the need for general anaesthesia.

In her spare time, Rebecca enjoys spending time with her family and her dog, especially on the beach. She is also active on the local music scene.

Conditions for which you might wish to consult Miss Fallaize:

  • Functional bowel disturbance including constipation, diarrhoea, bloating, abdominal pain and erratic bowel function
  • Evacuatory difficulties (difficulties in going to the toilet)
  • Anal incontinence
  • Haemorrhoids (piles)
  • Anal tear (fissure)
  • Anal skin tags or lumps
  • Anal itching (pruritus ani)
  • Pilonidal disease

Procedures offered by Miss Fallaize:

  • Removal of anal skin tags
  • Banding or injection of haemorrhoids
  • Botox injection for chronic anal fissure
  • Treatment of pilonidal sinus disease with fibrin glue
  • Removal of skin lesions including tags and lipomas

GP referral is not necessary but feel free to see your General Practitioner first to discuss referral.

You may be asked to complete a medical questionnaire prior to your appointment, please take the time to complete this and bring it with you on the day.

At your first appointment, in addition to standard examination, it may be necessary to examine the rectum (back passage) with a short camera (sigmoidoscope), particularly to assess for sources of bleeding. If you are self-funding your appointment, please be aware that a secondary fee will be incurred.

All recommended procedures are undertaken at a planned procedural appointment once you have had time to consider all treatment options. A further follow up appointment is then needed to assess response to treatment. In certain situations, this can be requested as a telephone appointment if you wish.

Fees are shown below, please ensure your Insurance provider (if claiming through your insurer) has confirmed that you are covered for the relevant treatment.

Any questions please call Rebecca’s PA on 724184 or drop her an email at

Guernsey Surgical Price List

Outpatient appointment (initial) up to 30 minutes£250.00
Outpatient appointment (initial) up to 60 minutes£500.00
Outpatient appointment for skin based conditions (20 minutes)£200.00
Outpatient appointment including protoscopy (where needed) - 30 minutes£250.00
Outpatient appointment via telemedicine - 20 minutes£200.00
Failure to attend a booked outpatient appointment£125.00
Banding of haemorrhoids£450.00
Biopsy of skin or subcutaneous tissue£190.00
Botulinium toxin injection to muscle£440.00
Destruction of lesion of anus£440.00
Drainage of skin abscess£380.00
Drainage through peri-anal region£550.00
Excision of anal fissure£450.00
Excision of lesion of anus (1 lesion)£500.00
Excision of lesion of anus (2 lesions)£550.00
Excision of lesion of anus (3+ lesions)£650.00
Excision of lesion to head and neck - up to 3 lesions£450.00
Excision of lesion to head and neck - 3+ lesions£600.00
Excision of lipoma (1 lipoma)£500.00
Excision of lipoma (2 lipomas)£600.00
Excision of lipoma (3+ lipomas)£650.00
Excision of pilonidal sinus and suture£600.00
Excision of skin lesion - up to 3, trunk and limbs (excluding lipoma)£450.00
Excision of skin lesion - 4 or more, trunk and limbs (excluding lipoma)£660.00
Laying open of low anal fistula and sigmoidoscopy£600.00
Laying open of pilonidal sinus£550.00
Local anaesthetic by primary operator£100.00
Peranal excision of rectal lesion and sigmoidoscopy£550.00
Rigid sigmoidoscopy£125.00