
Appointments are generally required for all consultations. It helps us if appointments for non-urgent cases can be made during the afternoon.

Doctors’ appointments are generally 10 minutes long but certain procedures e.g. medicals, postnatal checks, minor ops, require longer. This is why, when booking your appointment, you may be asked what it is for. A standard nurse appointment is generally 15 minutes long. Initial appointments with the musculoskeletal department are 45 minutes, while 30 minutes are usually required for follow-up appointments. If you are a new patient, registration appointments are 20 minutes with the doctor plus 15 minutes with the nurse.
Nobody likes it when doctors run late so we would urge you to please keep to time in your appointment.
Please click here for reasons why doctors run late and here for tips on ways to keep your appointment on track and make the most of your appointment.

Text reminders
If you have a mobile telephone and you have notified the surgery of your number, you will receive a text reminder of your appointment time the evening before the day of your appointment. If you do not wish to receive these reminders, please let us know.

Home visits
If you feel that you are not well enough to come to one of our surgeries and you wish the Doctor to visit you at home, please try and telephone the surgery before 10.00 am as this gives the doctor time to plan the day and visit you as soon as possible.

Out-of-hours treatment
If you need to see a Doctor outside normal surgery hours, please phone your usual surgery number and you will be transferred automatically to the doctor on call service, “the Night Owls”, who are based at the Primary Care Centre (see below).

Primary Care Centre
The three Primary Care Practices have combined to form an out-of-hours Primary Care Centre which is located at the Princess Elizabeth Hospital.  The Doctor on call may ask you to visit the centre in order that you receive treatment appropriate to your needs.

Emergency Department
The Emergency department is based at the Princess Elizabeth Hospital and should only be used if you have had an accident or are in an emergency situation.

Cancelling an Appointment
You can do this by phoning the usual surgery number.  Please give at least 1 hour’s notice to cancel Doctors’ and Nurses’ appointments and at least 2 hours notice for Physiotherapists and Osteopaths.  The more notice we get the better.  Please note that if you no longer require your appointment but do not cancel it with sufficient notice, you may be charged for failing to attend.

Surgery Opening Hours
Queen’s Road Medical Centre
Monday to Friday 8.00am – 6.00pm
Saturday 8.00am – noon
Le Longfrie Surgery
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday & Friday 8.00am – 6.00pm, Thursday 8.00am to 12.00pm
Saturday closed
* N.B. We are now able to offer some early doctors’ appointments from 7.30am. Please contact us to enquire about availability.