Patient Charter
Every patient of the Practice is entitled to :
- Receive treatment which is, in the opinion of the Practitioner, reasonably necessary for the patient’s well-being, regardless of his or her ability to pay
- A clear explanation of, and advice on, the patient’s medical condition and any proposed treatment
- A referral for specialist’s medical opinion or other second opinion in appropriate circumstances
- Receive information via the Practice’s notice board or web site of any relevant health promotion exercises and preventative medicine initiatives
- Access to necessary paramedical support
- Absolute confidentiality of medical records maintained by the Practice subject to any provisions for disclosure imposed or allowed by law
- Be kept informed by means of the Practice notice board or web site of any substantial changes in the prices, terms or conditions upon which the Practice will serve the needs of its patients
- Have any formal complaint against the Practice investigated and dealt with in a manner which is both fair and expeditious and in accordance with the Practice protocol
- Maintain their liberty at all times, unless necessary for their treatment and care, after considering all national and local policies, procedures and legislation
The Practice is entitled to:
- Receive honesty, courtesy and civility from its patients
The Practice will not accept:
- Rudeness, threats or aggressive behaviour directed towards practitioners staff or other patients
- Repeated abuse of its facilities including at the out of hours service, located at The Princess Elizabeth Hospital.